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Compression Garments

What are compression stockings?

Gradient compression hose are used to:

What are anti-embolism stockings?

How Compression Therapy Stockings Work

Compression stockings are designed to provide support to the legs and veins, assist with circulation, and minimize swelling. The compression is graduated, with the strongest support starting at the ankles and gradually decreasing towards the top of the garment. This gradual support works in conjunction with the pumping action of the calf muscles, which also assist with circulation.

A common myth is that compression stockings will cut off circulation. When fitted and worn properly, compression stockings help with your circulation, not reduce or restrict it.


Please advise us if you have or might have any of the following conditions, as they could make compression garments unsuitable for you:

About compression garments

Why do I need a doctor's prescription for gradient compression hose?

Gradient Compression Stockings are primarily worn by people who are ambulatory. Compression garments are categorized by classes which are measured in mmHg -- meaning millimeters of mercury, the universal form of pressure measurement used for this type of garment. There are designated medical indications for each compression class. Your physician will prescribe a compression class most appropriate for you and your diagnosis. For assistance please contact us with any questions you have.

Combining a two-way non-latex stretch material, in a wide variety of colors, our patients are fit individually by a certified fitter who will measure you to determine the proper size for stockings that are fashionable as well as therapeutic. Off the shelf and custom styles available in a variety of materials and brands.

Some common indications for medical gradient compression stockings:

Venous insufficiency, edema, swelling, prophylactic treatment during pregnancy, mild varicosities without tendency toward edema, hereditary tendency toward varicose veins, post-thrombosis, sclero-therapy follow-up, severe varicosities during pregnancy, healed venous ulcer, after treatment of severe ulcerations, Lymphedema, venous insufficiency, post-thrombotic conditions, Elephantiasis.

How should I wear my compression stockings?

Please contact your physician or stocking supplier if you have any questions or problems.

If you need to wear your garments every day, you may want to consider purchasing a second pair so you will always have one pair to wear while the other is being washed.



To put on the stockings, follow these simple tips, or watch this Youtube video:

Does Medicare cover compression stockings?

Compression stockings are a NON-covered service under Medicare Part B. Medicare will NOT pay for these items even with a prescription from your doctor. For more information, contact the Medicare office for your region. This may also apply to your private insurance carrier(s).

Consult your primary care provider for if you have any questions or require specific instructions.


The following are some of the more popular brands of compression garments we carry:

© Ingrid Frank Prosthetics Inc. -- 2005-2009
Contact us at or at (508) 655-6698
Webmaster: Jon Frank